
Although I cannot guarantee any specific results and the following testimonials do not constitute a warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using my services for any particular issue, my clients report having positive experiences!

Here is what some individuals have to say:

“There is an enlivening wisdom in Judith that comes from having lived life fully, through its highs and lows. It comes from having encountered and worked with her own shadow and depths of being along the way. She has an innate curiosity and passion for the human experience, and she brings all of this to her coaching. It is her humanity that is so empowering, and it is her authenticity that invites us to look at what is not authentic in ourselves. Transformative change is never easy, but in Judith you have a sure-footed, dynamic guide to the journey because she has walked the walk, and has the experience and understanding to support yours.”

-Leon VanderPol, Founder, Center for Transformational Coaching

“I will be forever grateful for Judith and her continued Coaching and support over the years. Judith is patient, insightful, loving and lovely. She is wise enough to know when to push and gentle enough to know when to breath. Judith has given me time in the office to process, to vent, to expand, all the while teaching me tools to use outside of the office. I have healed old wounds and learned new ways to live in the present. I am always thankful for her enthusiasm for my progress and my growth. It is because of this gift of finding her that I am learning to live an authentic life.”


“Unbelievable!!! Having been frozen in fear to do the very thing I love most—that’s where I was when I came to session with you. Hard to believe in such a short time, no problemo!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me get back on my game”.

-Karen H., Pittsburgh, PA

pencil erasing part of the word impossible

“The best part of my experience coaching with you was being encouraged to peel off the layers and take a deeper look at myself. You were firm in a loving way which allowed me to take a clear look at myself. You mentioned in our first session that you “work fast!” I laughed, but you were right! Your strength rubbed off on me and gave me confidence! I have made some significant changes in my life including taking better care of myself. These changes have been effective and sustainable!”

Thanks Judith!

-CB, British Columbia

Portrait of a positive woman in pink sweater

I have to admit that when you first showed me how to do this stuff, I thought it was a crock! LOL It really has worked to make me calm and to help me feel better. And it’s good to know I can come back to see you if I have any more problems with things. Thank you very much Judith.”

-Mary Kearn, Pittsburgh, PA

What amazed me is that you were able to help me to reveal stuff that is very deep. I don’t usually do that! Very helpful. You are good!”

-Luke Kaine, Toronto

“Transformative, that is the only way I can describe the effect your Coaching and Energy Work have had on my life. Years of self destructive behavior had seriously and negatively impacted my health as well as my relationships. Your strong and compassionate guidance along with your amazing skills, have enabled me to develop the tools that I need to lead a healthy, happy and successful life. When I first met you, you assured me that I could love myself and now I know this to be true as I do! I also trust that I will continue to succeed. I am pretty amazed at my progress in a relatively short time…Thank you Judith.”

-Carol Bloom, Pittsburgh, PA

“I cannot explain how much Judith has helped me at different times in my life. I have always suffered from anxiety and began going to Judith when I was pregnant with my first son. I have since gone back to her many other times. Each time she was able to pin point and tap into the root of the issue or feeling I was facing. She makes you realize you have the strength and power within you but you need to find it. I will continue to go to Judith when needing help with issues and stress I am facing in my life. Highly recommended!”


-EM., Pittsburgh, PA

“It has been a great journey to personal and professional growth and it has been great having you by my side, believing in me every step of the way! Judith, you really helped me work through my internal beliefs and stories and then held me accountable for my results. You were firm when it was needed and at the same time, sensitive and insightful. Thank you so much for your commitment.”

– Mary C.,  Panama City

Woman with happy expression relaxing on meadow

“Working with Judith has brought more peace, joy and calm to my life. I have resolved long-felt anxieties and emerged a more centered, balanced and spiritual person. Whether it is through Reiki, SRT, Meridian Tapping Techniques or other energy work, Judith brings professionalism and compassion to every session. She has a gift and utilizes it to help me in all of our sessions together”

-Cindy Simon, New York

A Happy young man in a field with his cellphone

“Judith and her coaching style have really made a difference in my life– She has helped me move forward personally and professionally with her own unique and multidimensional approach. Through gaining clarity and understanding I have been able to move past old patterns and beliefs that were holding me back. I’ve also learned that I can benefit from reaching out for the right kind of help rather than struggling with challenges alone.
Coaching with Judith is always a great experience and she has truly has assisted me in helping myself by giving me great tools that have been very effective in my life 🙂
I highly recommend Judith for coaching!”

-Karen Mosley, Pittsburgh

When I met Judith, I was an extremely fearful and anxious person with destructive habits. I was frequently ending my days on the floor crying, after working a job I hated. Now I am in my last year of College getting my degree in a profession that will allow me to use my skills professionally,  to help people; This has been important to me.

With her guidance, I have developed new internal stories and have created new possibilities for myself. Judith is kind and gentle but knows when I need an extra push and she can be firm while still being kind. She is extremely intuitive and sensitive to what is best for me at any given time. She helped me to realize how strong and capable I am and how to use that strength. “

Thank you Judith!

Noel Lampan,  Pittsburgh, PA

Path through forest ferns

“I truly cherish our session today. Thank you for helping me to become more centered, aware and empowered with my “stuff.” You are so gifted in your special work and I am honored and blessed to have received it!”

-Patty S., Pittsburgh, PA

“Judith has helped me work through the most major (for me) of negative past experiences to become the capable and independent person that I longed to be. She is extremely knowledgeable in many healing modalities and is always correct in knowing which is best for me at any given time. She is intuitive, kind and compassionate in her approach and has been able to help me address issues that I never shared with other therapists.

Thank you Judith!

Carolyn W.,  Pittsburgh, PA


I just wanted to thank you for the great work you are doing in the world. Please know it is appreciated….”

– Susan Veraldi, Pittsburgh, PA

I am blown away by my progress in such a short time working with you. Thank you.”

-Jean Burke, Pittsburgh, PA

Photo of stream and bridge in the woods